Friday Files – Walsh St. a step into Robin Boyds world.

Friday Files – Walsh St. a step into Robin Boyds world.

Boyac was very lucky to be able to have spent an afternoon at one of Australia’s very special homes, the Robin Boyd family home known as Walsh Street.

Designed by renowned Australian architect Robin Boyd, he designed the home for his own family in 1957.

Entering Walsh Street you are greeted by a set of stairs connecting you from the footpath outside. Entering the house through the heavy wooden doors you are transcended into Robin’s world!


The environment and ethos has been kept alive and exists just as it did in 1957.

Entering the home you are standing on the mezzanine level which is the master bedroom and also a second entertaining area when needed. The ceiling is also carried the whole way through the courtyard to the second part of the home which is the Children’s Pavilion.


Down the stairs overlooking the kitchen, into the living area we are greeted by Tony Lee who is the Head of the Robyn Boyd Foundation.

Walsh Street is now owned and operated by Robin Boyd Foundation, formed when a group of enlightened admirers raised funds to purchase the property in 2004. Since then the foundation has played such a crucial part in educating us all about Robin and keeping his spirit and ethos alive for the now and into the future.

Hosting events, student programs and magnificent dinner parties.


Speaking with Tony we discover that entertaining and dinner parties were a key process when Robin was designing homes. He would often have dinner with his clients, to understand what they needed in their home and how they interacted.

Boyd’s approach to design, creating relationships with how we live in our homes, how the construction of space can influence our lives. And what materials we should use to leave a small environmental footprint.


Open living, interaction, privacy, outside / inside, inside/ outside.

This may all seem a part of many design approaches now, but it defiantly was not necessarily the case in the 50’s and we have a lot to thank Robin Boyd for.

Though it is also important to remember and pay homage to history we must also remain on the progressive foot of design. That is why what is kept alive by the foundation; to push boundaries & experience new ways of living, following Robin’s legacy.


A large thankyou to Tony Lee and the foundation for taking the time to speak with us, and Sue Carr for her support of our industry.

To discover more about the Robyn Boyd Foundation click on the link below.