FRIDAY FILES – Chinoiserie

FRIDAY FILES – Chinoiserie

Asian Scenic

Chinoiserie is a Western decorative style born in 17-18thth century. As trade was flourishing with China and other Asian countries, the curiosity for Asia from those who could not travel that far was high. Fond of ‘exotic’ Asian cultures, Europeans imitated Chinese and East Asian artistic traditions. The aesthetic of Chinoiserie is inspired by Chinese and Asian patterns, landscapes, architecture and believes. A lot of foo dogs, dragons, pagodas, exotic animals and plants are found in Chinoiserie art along with lacquerware and bamboo.

Canton Reverie

Paired with the lavish Rococo style of that time, Chinoiserie inspired a lot as much in architecture, textiles, ceramics as in theatre, music, gardens…

TT Cheng Toile WP

Because Chinoiserie does not actually come from Asia, its design achieves a harmonious balance with traditional Western decorative style. Timeless, Chinoiserie has beautiful days ahead, inspiring both collections from the past and from the present. 

IL Chinoiserie Garden